*تسريع التصفح فى الشبكة المحلية - speed up your network browsing which leads to faster network acces
speed up your network browsing which leads to faster network access
If you’re on a network and are tired of waiting for ages for all the network shares to load, you’ll love this article. Using some basic fixes you can speed up your network browsing which leads to faster network access to systems in the network. You can check out how to share folders on the network easily. Network browsing is useful to wok on files in different computers of the network at the same time.
There are four basic things you need to do for Faster Network Browsing are:
1. Remove all shortcuts in My Network Places. These are automatically generated, and if a few of them aren’t shared anymore, Windows will keep searching for them anyway.So just select them all and delete them.
2. Stop Windows from automatically adding these shortcuts to shared folders, otherwise you’ll just
end up having to delete the shortcuts every time you open My Network Places. This is a registry hack, so make sure you backup your registry.
First, go to Start > Run, type in “regedit” and press [Enter].
Navigate to
Here, create two new DWORD values (if they don’t already exist) called “NoRecentDocsNetHood”
and “UseDesktopIniCache”, and set them to “1”.
3. Have everyone on your network increase the send buffer for network data.
Tell everyone who shares files or folder to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanServerParameters.
Create a DWORD value called “SizReqBuf”, and assign its Hex value to “FFFF”.
4. Just stop using My Network Places for folders you access on a regular basis, and instead, map the drive by going to Tools > Map Network Drive in Windows Explorer.
These steps will boost up the speed of network browsing. If you don’t want others to access your system drives containing all your files in the network you can turn off the admin shares in the network
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