“Android Full Application Tutorial” series
Continuing our tutorials on Android here at JavaCodeGeeks, I am going to provide a number of articles on how to build a full Android application from scratch. The app will mainly be useful for performing movies and actors lookups.
The TMDb API will be used for searching and links at the mobile version of IMDB will be provided. All the app development lifecycle will be presented and useful tips will be given along the way. Stay tuned!
UPDATE: List of Parts
The TMDb API will be used for searching and links at the mobile version of IMDB will be provided. All the app development lifecycle will be presented and useful tips will be given along the way. Stay tuned!
UPDATE: List of Parts
- Part 1: Main Activity UI
- Part 2: Using the HTTP API
- Part 3: Parsing the XML response
- Part 4: Performing the API request asynchronously from the main activity
- Part 5: Launching new activities with intents
- Part 6: Customized list view for data presentation
- Part 7: Using options menus and customized dialogs for user interaction
- Part 8: Creating an AppWidget for the home screen
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- Android Reverse Geocoding with Yahoo API - PlaceFinder
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- Embracing the Android awesomeness: A quick overview
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Read more: http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2010/10/android-full-application-tutorial.html#ixzz1xBD6hcpa
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